Saturday, 24 December 2011

Pinto Bean

IngredientsPinto Bean
2 Cups Dry Pinto Beans, 8 Cups Water, 1 tablespoon Salt, 3 Cloves Garlic, 1 Small Jalapeno Pepper, 2 Slices of Bacon, Pinto Bean Equipment.

For this recipe you will need:
Crock Pot, Measuring Cups, Measuring Spoons, Strainer, Sorting Pinto BeansStraining Pinto Beans, Washing Pinto Beans.

First Step:
Washing Pinto Beans.
First, place the 2 cups of dry Pinto Beans on the counter and pick out any of them that don't look appetizing. Then throw out the bad beans and put the good ones into a strainer and rinse them off thoroughly.
Adding Pinto BeansPinto Beans and Water.
Boiling Pinto Beans.
Second Step:
Boiling Pinto Beans.
Next, in a sauce pan bring the Pinto Beans to a boil for five minutes. Then remove them from the burner and let them sit for an hour.

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